Songs Every Bellydancer Should Know; Drills and Combos - ROUND TWO!
A spotlight on the Classic Songs of Bellydance that every dancer should know,
explored in dance drill combinations to build your improvisational repertoire,
inspired by Golden Era Diva of Bellydance.
Each week dancers will:
Focus on and discover one Bellydance Classic, and a few versions of it, from classic recordings to modern remixes,
Technique Drills focused on weeks combination,
Combinations inspired by Bellydance Golden Era Greats incorporating some signature movements/combinations reflective of the music,
Dance it out to different versions of the spotlight Bellydance Classic.
Examples of Classic Songs of Bellydance
Misirlou (Egyptian Girl), Alf Leyla we Leyla (1001 Nights), Aziza, Enta Omri (You are my life), Taht II Shibback (Below my window),
Ah ya Zein (Oh pretty one), Bahlam Beek (Dreaming of You), Balady Ala Accordion, Habibi Ya Eyni (Darling, oh my eyes), Leylat Hob (Night of Love)
Intro to Bellydance
Wednesdays Apr 11 - June 27 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Saturdays Apr 14 - June 30 9:00 - 10:00 am
12 Week Sessions $165.00
Drop-ins $15/class
Pre-requisite: No experience needed
Let me see you Bellydance!! with two class times to choose from we have you covered to begin your Bellydance journey. Intro to Bellydance is designed to provide new dancers with the core moves used in Bellydance and returning dancers the stepping stones to success. From first steps through to Beginners this class will give dancers a solid bellydance foundation to ensure Bellydance bliss.
Props needed throughout term: Zills & Veil (weekly), Sword & Cane (notice given) Studio props available for use
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Tuesdays Apr 10 - June 26 7:15 - 8:30 pm
12 Week Sessions $165.00
Drop-in $20/class
Pre-requisite: Intro to Bellydance
Open Level --> a class open to all levels from Beginners to Advanced.
This class is set at the Beginner level and adjusted up as needed and is designed to take the basics of bellydance and turn it up a notch
This class is PERFECT for dancers returning to bellydance after a break.
Props needed throughout term: Zills & Veil (weekly), Sword & Cane (notice given, props available for use)
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Mondays Apr 9 - June 25 6:30 - 8:00 pm
12 Week Sessions $180.00
Drop-in $20/class
Pre-requisite: Intro & Beginner Bellydance or 2yrs
Moving into Intermediate this class has you staying true to our focus on technique and fundamentals of Bellydance. This class is designed to enforce the fundamentals while challenging each dancer. Utilizing your foundation dancers begin working on more difficult core movements, stronger isolation's, varied layering concepts and across the floor dance movement. Work with skill building exercises will begin in this class to encourage use of the Bellydance vocabulary and encourage group and solo creations.
Props needed throughout term: Zills & Veil (weekly), Sword & Cane (notice given, props available for use)
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Mondays Apr 9 - June 25 8:00 - 9:00 pm
12 Week Sessions $130.00 To Register for Choreography chose "Bellydance Bundle" above
Pre-requisite: Currently enrolled in Bellydance technique class
Choreography is a skill and art all on it's own and in this class our only focus is just that... Choreography.
Each 12 week session dancers work through a new choreography based in Raks Sharqi Bellydance, while keeping old ones fresh. Choreographies taught in this class will be included in performance for our Hafla and Year End Show. Performance not required.
Props used for choreographies are: Sword, Veil, Cane and Zills
Wednesdays Apr 11 - June 27 6:30 - 8:00 pm
12 Week Sessions $180.00
Drop-ins $20/class
Pre-requisite: Intermediate Level Bellydance, 3yrs
To advanced in our dance we must be Masters of our Fundamentals; moving from Intermediate dancers to Performance and beyond is what we will do in this class. While continuing to hone and build your bellydance technique this class will run in combination based drill style and will help you develop floor patterns under that bellydance movement; as well as zilling while dancing.
Focusing on clearer isolation's, complex layers, elevation changes, traveling and transitions, this class is designed to get you moving faster, harder and stronger in your bellydance execution and dance. Each week dancers will utilize skill building excersises to put their bellydance skills to the test; from combination creations to group leads. What will you create?
Props needed throughout term: Zills & Veil (weekly), Sword & Cane (notice given, props available for use)
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Wednesdays Apr 11 - June 27 8:00 - 9:00 pm
12 week session $130.00 To Register for Choreography chose "Bellydance Bundle" above
Pre-requisite: Must be registerd in current session; permission from Instructor
Taking your choreography skills into the next level, this class brings together the skill of choreography and the art of performance. Dancers focus on a new piece each session, while continuing to work on the pieces already in TRD's set list.
Choreographies in this class are a mixture of linear dances, prop dances and character pieces. Dancers in this class are provided performance opportunities throughout the year.
Bi-weekly Fridays 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Dates: Apr 13/27; May 11/25; June 8/22
6 classes $165.00
Drop-in $30/class
Pre-requisite: Intermediate Bellydance, 2yrs
Fusion Bellydance; the beautiful blend between Raks Sharqi and Lyrical, is where Nicci's heart is and is exactly what she will be sharing with you. This class is designed to help dancers unlock the "Fusionist" in them through technique and dance drills, musicality and movment work and choreography.
Dancers will work on both personal projects and a group choreography for performance
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